Letterkenny Slang Terms & Lingo
- 10-ply
- All-dressed chips
- Bad gas travels fast in a small town
- Bardownski
- Big city slams
- Big shoots, big shooter
- Chirping
- Cousint
- Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life
- Dirty Dangles
- Degens, de-gens
- Exposed to
- Ferda
- Figure it out / figgur it out
- Forecheck, backcheck, paycheque
- Get this guy a fuckin' Puppers
- Give your balls a tug
- Gus N' Bru
- Hard no
- "How're you now?" "Good 'n you?" "Not so bad."
- Hundo P, Hundy P
- I'd have a beer
- I suggest you let that one marinate
- K
- Let that one marinate
- Not my pig, not my farm
- Pantene Pro
- Pitter patter (let's get at 'er)
- Puppers
- Sort yourself out
- Spare parts
- Super-soft birthday party
- Texas-sized 10-4
- That's what I appreciates about you
- They don't ask how. They ask how many
- To be fair...
- Toe-curling
- Wheel-snipe-celly
- Wheel snipes celly boys, dirty fuckin' dangles boys!
- When a [man/friend] asks for help, you help him
- Yew
- You don't fuck with tradition